Sunday 12 June 2011

simple compassion : welcome

''don't forget to show hospitality to strangers, for some who have done this have entertained angels without realising it!''
hebrews 13 v 2

God has shown hospitality by welcoming us into his family, through his saving grace.

must we do so much for for the people around us, both known and unknown to us. reminds me of when abram in the bible welcomed the three men, who ended being angels and brought them the best news that they had been praying for such a long time.

just last week i was talking to my friend about how you can do 'mission' and there are so many different roles. when i went to lebanon, i really admired the couple who were there as the 'hospitality team'. they basically fed and watered everyone and provided a safe and loving place to stay.

hospitality really does make a difference. it welcomes people.

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