Tuesday 7 June 2011

simple compassion : body

''my commandment is this: love each other as i have loved you. greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends''
john 15 v 12-13

i am just one part of the body of Christ.

I am called to use my gifts to serve God and others, to love, care and support others as well as allowing others to do the same for me.

sigh, why is it so hard to love? it really is. hard to have patience, understanding and caring. with a clean a pure heart. Lord, why do i find it so hard to accept my family. i really don't think that i can do it anymore.

God, can you take away that pride that stands before me and give me humility. it's fresh new day. Lord, i need your help and guidance. not to judgement, but to accept and bring peace.

we glorify God but loving others. so lets start loving.

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