Tuesday 14 June 2011

simple compassion : elderly

''Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble''
james 1 v 27

''living a life of compassion isn't hard. it can just be a little bit inconvinient''

i actually agree with that. and i'm starting to realise it. not that inconvinience is bad, it's just that you have to take account for it sometimes. one lesson that i learnt last friday. i had practically no petrol left in the car. like none. ok. so, i was suposed to pick up my friend and go straight to tesco to get petrol. well, that was my plan. my friend decided that we should drive and look at a house that she wanted to bid for,...ended up driving there and then make the way to petrol. too late. my car stopped in the middle of the lovely, rather large, road....haha....luckily managed to ask a couple of people to help me push the car and we went to get petrol by trundling down the down with an empty petrol container. blessing was....that my friend ended up paying for the petrol. usually, i would never let her pay for it cuz everytime whe wants to pay, but i let her this time and it was good as well as it was only a little amount. funny how things turn out. so yeh, it may be a slight 'inconvinience' but actually it's me who's really the one who gets blessed in the end!

we have this plaque on our wall in the kitchen. i pass it so many times, yet i take no notice of it. i take God's blessings so so forgranted.must learn to count my many BLESSINGS from God! each day, each hour, each minute, each second is a gift from God.

actually, being compassionate just takes time. i guess thats one of the reasons why its hard to be compassionate. in this society, noone has any time. we're always in a hurry to go somewhere. being in a rush means that we miss lots of things,...we don't notice other people. i know that i'm like that. i need to slow down. open my eyes to see other people's need and not just my own busyiness of life....slow down enough to care.

today' compassion story was about the elderly. i miss the older people who i used to visit. i miss my grandma in hk. she's been in and out of hospital and coming out today hopefully. she's suposed to be moving house. in the past, i've always been at the moving house times....kinda miss it.....

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