Tuesday 21 June 2011

simple compassion : legacy

''What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save them? Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it? In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead''
james 2 v 14-17

what is your legacy? if you die today, what do you leave behind.

makes you wonder doesn't it....i've been struggling with this quite a lot. especially to do with my last work. i kinda left there in a bad way. i shouldn't really have quit like that. i didn't really do back and keep in touch. i wonder what they think of me. it's strange. today is their open day. may be i'm going to go and look. it'll be strange. really strange. i still half feel part of it cuz that place was like my home. just feel bad that i didn't do more, didn't do better than i could. but whats done is done, i can't go back, can't keep looking back. all i can do is to see what God wants me to do NOW and do it. i've messed up my life for too long,...pondering what God wants me to do in the future and not actually doing anything about it or,even worse still, not doing anything right now. who knows what the future holds...it is today that matters, for all i know, i might now even be here tomorrow. thats not to say that i should just be reckless and just 'carpe diem', but there's only so much thinking that i can do and the rest should be ACTION. James is right, it is by faith that we are saved, but we are called to put that faith into action.

Man, there are so many people who are waiting to hear that gospel. if i want to leave a legacy, i wish that it could be that people could see the love of Christ in me or that they came to hear about the gospel from me....i think that Paul says somewhere that we should do all things so that God's name may be glorified.

Adriana and i went to the church in swanland on sunday. purely because of the sign; 'we will pray for you'. everyone wants to feel part of something, a family.....such a simple banner, a simple act of prayer is able to draw people that little bit closer to God. so, every action matters...however little....i must start caring deeper and more for people. God...give me a compassionate and caring heart for others. Lord, give me the wisdom to really be able to help people...both physically and mentally...want to love people more...with God's love

'we love because God first loved us' (John 4 v 19).....may i filled with this kind of love for others

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