Saturday 25 June 2011

simple compassion : forgiveness

''if you forgive others when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. but if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins''
Matthew 6 14-15

forgive and forget.

actually it's more about giving yourself another chance rather than the other person. it takes so much energy to be angry at someone and it only actually really affects you. the other person isnt really affected. so why then is it so hard to forgive...i guess cuz it feels like you're letting them 'off the hook', and so it's 'not fair'. but it's a hard lesson to learn. forgiveness gives freedom.

going to the other day when the thought of the day was 'legacy', this week i went to the 167 open day and the ARKH open day. i admit it was rather strange for me to go back, probably a bit worried about what people thought of me etc....i realised what my legacy is.....everyone knows gloria as a person who photographs food! least that's not a bad thing. right?...funny what impression you leave on people.

Jesus already said that we ARE the salt and we ARE the light of the world. how can i jump out from the saltshaker and flavour the world? how can i reflect God's glory to the others around me in everything that i do?

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