Friday 10 June 2011

simple compassion : invite

''God disciplines us for our own good. that we may share in his holiness. no discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it''
hebrews 12 v 10-11

wherever you are: that is where the kingdom of God is at work.

but where am i? that is my daily struggle. what am i suposed to do? i guess i need a right kick up the backside and a reminder that i am HERE. need to live out for God right where i am, and not to dream up some random dream or wish that i was somewhere else, or think about what i'm meant to be doing in the future, but i need to take action RIGHT HERE and RIGHT NOW.

i've been visiting quite a few people recently and they've all been busy growing vegetables. it's amazing how fast the harvest is. i had doubts about my little coriander seeds, which mrs choi practically planted for me. i didn't water them as much as i should have. but they have started to grow. i can see little green shoots and it's exciting. i guess everyone will harvest at a different time and will have different fruits from the harvest.

Lord, give me the strength to do what on earth i'm suposed to.
help me to love my community.

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