Saturday 25 June 2011

from words to people

''for God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not die but have everlasting life''
john 3 v 16

my new theme is going to be PEOPLE and their story. everyone has their own experience, their own story. each person is precious in God's eyes. i'm going to try to capture a little of it here.

so the photos here are two RARE photos of my grandfather. funnily, thinking about it now, that's just the way that i am....usually the one behind the camera. it's a shame that i didn't really know my grandfather all that well. i just remember the few occasional summers where we went back to HK. i remember that he always like to give us cream soda to drink or ice-cream (Dreyers or the lile tubs). he always had some brandy/whisky with each meal with ice and ate the vegetables/meat before the rice. he was a great photographer. i wish that i'd had the chance to learn from him.

today, at ASDA, i served many different people....many grandparents buying stuff for their grandkids. i've seen grandparents looking about their grandchildren. it's nice, it really is. i saw a couple of teenages shopping and having a good time with their grandparents, their parents being part of their normal daily life. i can't imagine that. i really pray that my grandma gets better. she's too weak.

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