Sunday 31 July 2011

reminiscence & nostalgia- school

''Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that you have tasted that the Lord is good.''
1 peter 2 v 2-3

we all have to grow up at some point in time.

have to grow up to face responsibilites, make decisions....marry, pay the bills, look after other people, have kids, care for family....
so, claire got married yesterday. it was a beautiful beautiful wedding, like a dream. just imagine pride and prejiduce, it was just like that.

it was good to see anne again, after such a long time. good to catch up and remember the old times. but, now i realise that it's not actually that good to look back at the past, cuz thats already happened, it's only a memory. it's better to focus on the future, on the now. more important to see what we're doing now. i actually felt quite out of place. may be cuz i was depressed, but may be cuz i'm just totally now used to being in that environment. for one, i dont actually think that i've hung out with so many English people before in a long while. the culture, mentality, experiences are so different to the refugees and asylum seekers that i'm used to hanging out with. it really is. exactly where do i belong? no wonder i seem to have lost myself.

it's the start of Ramadan tomorrow. 30 days of fasting for the muslims, that is the majority of my friends. last year i managed 10 days. i think that i'm not going to do any. don't think that i can face it, and don't think that i need to. but i think that i should finish this theme of nostalgia and change....change to praying for God's will to be done. a 30 days of prayer.

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