Friday 29 July 2011

reminiscence & nostalgia- move on

“I press on towards the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenwards in Christ Jesus.”
phil 3 v 14

so, i am going to go to HK in the end. what craziness.

i suddenly decided yesterday that i'd take one last look at the tickets and then give up. if i didn't go then i really dunno when i'll go back again. so i'll be there. for 3 days. yep, that's me....trying to cram too many things together as usual!

actually, im afraid to go. dunno really what to expect, what to say to people. i'm not sure of myself anymore, not sure of my studies or my work. what a stupid life i lead. this little pukka is from ages ago. i remember i got it at the Peak. life was good then. i was simple. now, all i've done is clutter up my life. meaningful junk.

but, i can't spend my whole life looking back and wanting what i don't have now, i can't pine after all those things that i havent acheived. i should really be thankful for all that God has given me. thankful for his blessings.

i should move on.

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