''For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him;as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.''
psalm 103 v 11-12
psalm 103 v 11-12
the humber bridge. the pride and joy of hull. or not. it's 30 years old. one of the longest spanning suspension bridges. a pretty beautiful sight. it costs £2.70 one way. a bit of a rip-off. but you can choose to walk the distance if you feel like it.
actually this bridge brings back many memories. we used to come here sometimes for walks as a family. i've brought bunch of refugees and asylum seekers here with the friendship group. we came here with church. we took the women's group to 'try' to float some candles into the sea but it didnt work cuz it was too windy. i've been here with the boys. i've come here when i been happy and depressed. the bridge is beautiful both by day and night.
bridge to life.
what is my life path. just this morning we were chatting about how a salmon fish dies after they give birth. they are 'goal orientated'. they done what they were destined to do and it is finished. simple. what am i meant to be doing?...
i love going to new life and listening to jarrod. he's pretty animated and the things that he says makes sense. he's very good at telling stories. yesterday he told of a man who changed his life, his family's life and ultimately his grandchildren and so on. he decided to buy rocking chair so that he could spend just 15 minutes a day talking with God. that 15 minutes changed lives. it is prayer and time spent with God that matters. thats what builds up relationship, changes our lives.
i just feel disappointed in myself. disappointed about how i never learn from my own mistakes. Lord, I really dunno where to run. i really don't.

i'm dying to go to HK. dunno why, but i just want to. may be i dont need to. but i would love to. but deep down, i know i won't. i love my grandma, i really do. this morning i looked at my teddy. my me-to-you bear that i take everywhere; the one that i take on the plane (still at the age of 25), he's been to canada, hk, lebanon, iraq. my grandma named him 'precious' (in Chinese).
i need a new life.
chris tomlin
chris tomlin
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