Friday 22 July 2011

reminiscence & nostalgia- growing

''And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and men.''
luke 2 v 52

you've got to love little kids. especially when they get to the age when they're learning to talk, just past the mono-word stage and into the creating new sentences and words phase. it's so cute. yesterday, I was with a few kids. we had a new soft toy- dory the forgetful fish from finding nemo. one kid took it and said that was a fish. correct. closely followed by a sentence saying that fish tastes very nice. the next kids said exactly the same thing. wow. they are so typically chinese! how does that happen?!!!

i guess we all take traits from our parents, whether good or bad. it's inevitable, if you spent such a long time with them, and oh of course, its in your genes.

it would have been pretty interesting to see how Jesus was as a child. what did he do? how was he with his other siblings? how was he with his mum and dad? well...he followed in the footsteps of both his earthly and heavenly father. his mother remembered all that he did and put them into her heart. so, i guess he should have been a pretty good son.....

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