Wednesday 20 July 2011

reminiscence & nostalgia- grandmas

''Rise in the presence of the aged, show respect for the elderly and revere your God. I am the LORD.''
lev 19 v 32

i love my grandma.

my brother went to hong kong recently. he got back on sunday. i lent him my slr. went i got it back i found a couple of photos on it that he hasnt transferred onto his laptop yet. all of my grandma.

wu sau goon. she's been pretty ill for the last few month. we got a call from my auntie, mum's younger sister, yesterday to say that she had gone into hospital again. the doctor's bascially said to be prepared for anything. so, we spent the morning trying to change mum's ticket to an earlier flight and thinking about whether i should go back to visit. i havent seen her in over a year. in the end, mum decided that she didnt need to go back earlier. i was that close to buying a ticket for £930. but didn't. actually, my gut feeling is that she'll be ok this time. may be not for much longer. but i trust she's ok. i spoke to my auntie, mum's older sister, and she told me to pray. now, she's not really all that religious but she knows that God can help. amongst all this busyness, it's so easy to forget who's actually in control.

my other grandma is now with God. i had gone to canada to see my auntie get made a pastor. my grandma was relatively stable for her condition. she had had alzheimers for years. she was ok. until the day after my auntie's special day. it deteriorated after that. she couldn't eat and then it was downhill from there. i stayed at the hospital place. saw about 10 pastors come and bless her. i flew back to uk before she died. i was glad that i saw her.

see. life is so precious. you never know what'll happen. it's beyond our control, like a theif in the night.

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