Tuesday 26 July 2011

reminiscence & nostalgia- pearls

''The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.''
matt 13 v 44

this bracelet is not made of pearls. quite the opposite. but it's quite pretty all the same. taking this photo reminds me of times with adriana. it's so funny. i'll take photos of anything, mostly of food. so, i hang around with my big fat camera and adriana just reaaranges everything around me for me to photograph. i remember one time when we were in planet coffee. i got some amazing shot, just of the coffee, some of her jewellery and a splattering of brown sugar for effect!

i'm not really a jewllery person. i usually only ever wear my two necklaces which i never take off. my cross that mum gave me on my baptism and the one which grandma gave to my mum on hers, and my other necklace that contains some of the stone from my grandma's wedding ring, which was made when my grandfather died. funny, i didn't realise it actually, but both are really linked to my grandma.

you know, how important is that kingdom of heaven to me? am i prepared to let all things go in order to do God's will. i think that my problem is that i spend all my energy trying to find out exactly what i think God wants me to do, that i miss the kingdom.


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