Thursday 21 July 2011

reminiscence & nostalgia- names

''For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.''
Isaiah 9 v 6

Gloria Hill Ching Ho. thats my name. i actually really like my name. especially my chinese name. it sounds nice in cantonese and even better in mandarin. but not many people call me by my chinese name. my relative do sometimes, but rarely. in my head i can imagine my grandfather saying hillching....

when i was at school i was called gloz, glozzy, glozpaint, glow. at uni, patrick though all along that my name was Glorio until Hanna told him. Chinese people tend to not be able to pronouce the 'l' properly and so my name kinda becomes Goria. now, i'm just called Gloria.

actually, what is a name? it should be quite important. to my kurdish friends, the meaning of someones name is extremely important. i remember going to kurdistan and arriving at like 1am. i got to rizgar's house and they were all introducing themselves to me. they told me their name and one of his younger brother's proceeded to exaplain the meaning behind each person's name and did that for the rest of the week. it's great. now, even i will sometimes ask the meaning of someone's name. all i remember is 'baran' means rain and 'pasher' means king. i guess a name tries to signify the person's character. or maybe the character that the parents would hope that the child grows up to become.

actually, it links quite well to the bible. i always wondered why they always have the explaination of people's name. now i understand the importance. God has so many names. they signify his character. i especially like the name JEHOVAH and YAHWEH.

popped into McCoys yesterday with adriana. ended up having a coffee of somekind. i hate coffee. but it had cream on the top, so i drank it. the waiter was a pretty nice guy. adriana managed to find out his name, age, telephone number and what he does. pretty good, eh?! wish that i could have the confidence to do that.

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