Thursday 28 July 2011

''and anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me''
matt 10 v 38

there's this new noodle bar in town. no idea whether it's any good, but judging from looking at all the past shops that have opened in that area, they have all only lasted a couple of months. let's hope that it lasts a little longer....

so, mum has gone to HK. in fact she's on the plane now, due to fly in 5 minutes. wish that i had the courage to walk ahead. i really can't see what on earth i'm doing. i'm meant to be starting a new job on monday. i'm dreading it, cuz i really can't remember how to work. at all. totally forgotten. all i want to do these days is just be at home. i've finished the lazy student life of nothingness and now i'm back to where i was. having to wake up early and work all day.

i'm so damned lost.

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