Tuesday 2 August 2011

prayer & fasting day 1: Shano

''For the Lamb at the centre of the throne will be their shepherd; he will lead them to springs of living water. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.''
Rev 7 v 17

this month, i am going to pray for a muslim everyday. as you can see, i'm already one day behind. but it's ok. yesterday, i tried to fast. i lasted till about 12 noon and then they gave us lunch. it would have been a bit strange if i said that i was fasting, so i ate. may be i'm going to try to fast for breakfast and pray instead. that is if my will power allows me to!

Shano. she is one of my best friends actually. makes me laugh when i say that cuz they always say to me that i'm their best friend and i never believe them cuz i think that they must have so many other friends and besides, out communication is incredibility minimal. but, im actually saying this truthfully. when my grandma died, she was the first person that i told. she's like my mother, except that she's actually younger than me. may be cuz she's got two kids and a husband....she's certainity more 'grown-up' and sensible than me. Shano is the best person at cooking. she can make anything and makes it good. and her tea is the best. this perfection is probably fuelled by the fact that her husband has high expectations and also does things very well. it's funny when you look over the last couple of years. she only came to UK on 4/6/09. been practically living at their house. she is amazingly good at English, for someone who didn't really go to school and only learnt English on and off for one year. i can have conversations and we can understand each other pretty much ok.

so, i pray that God will bless Shano. give her good health and energy to look after her family. Lord, give her joy and peace. Lord, i also ask that you will be able to give her an opportunity to learn English again, i know that she would love to be able to go to college again. Lord, i also ask that you will be able to give me the opportunity to share with her your love. Lord, may i be a witness to the people around me. Lord, may i be the person in this community that can live out and shine the light for you. in His precious name. amen

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