Tuesday 24 May 2011

simple compassion : rest

''come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest''
Matt 11 v 28

we need to rest. to be still. in the presence of God.

in order to be able to carry on doing what we need to physically rest as well as mentally. the only problem is how. at the moment i feel so so tired. emotionally and physically but i can't see out. i'm suposed to be taking this week as a rest and break. may be free from uni work (which i never really did much of) but not free from much else. maybe i should learn to just give it up to God. leave it to him to sort things out. i see the beauty of observing the sabbath. people really do need rest cuz we're not super humans. need to be still and re-think and re-adjust my focus in life.

love perserves. it cannot do that if you're tired and weary.


Yeah Show: watched this youtube this morning. simple. but true. believing and trusting in Jesus brings change. or at least it SHOULD bring change. joy. real joy. but so much of the time i dont feel it. i dont have it. really, i should be living in the light, living in freedom.

so, that's why my project is all about change. photographing change. it's amazing actually when you fo out to take photos of specific things....you notice so many more things. i've missed so many things in life. really, i have.

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