Wednesday 25 May 2011

simple compassion : expectations

''he has shown all you people what is good. and what does the LORD require of you? to act justly and love mercy and to walk humbly with your God''
Micah 6 v 8

'to make a difference in the world, to share God's love with others, we have to trust that we actually can do that'. can i? am i good enough?

not really, i think that deep down i don't really love myself or respect myself to be honest. it's always been the case, but i just dont know how to get around it. i know it though, how can you love others if you don't even love yourself. that's the struggle. God, help me to love you. to love your people. to love myself.

it's another beautiful day today. the sun is out shining bright. not bad. feel like i'm wasting my life away. i really am, but i dont really know what to do about it. i really don't. need to find some kind of aim, something to work towards. simple love. how can i share that?

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