Tuesday 31 May 2011

simple compassion : moving

''The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.''
John 1 v 14

to live as Jesus would have.

Jesus came down to this earth, from the glories of heaven. so that we can have hope for life. he shone in all of the darkness. we are called to SHINE where we are; live out God's love amongst the people that we live in, in our own community. thats the challenge. living out of your comfort zone. may be in somewhere that you don't want to live.

mum asked me what i was thinking about doing with the flat that i wanted to move into. i honestly don't know. i don't know whether i'm too chicken to move or whether i've challenged myself to think about whether its necessary. i'm suposed to be living out a simple life. living by myself would be 'wasting' money. i mean some people don't even have a house. but then again, am i always going to live in the safety and comfort of my home here?....i really don't know what to think....all i know is right now, my head if full of too much crap that i can't focus on anything for myself. nothing. where is my disseration gone?....

ooh...gotta add that there's this deadly thing going around to do with e.coli in cucumbers. apparently nothing in UK....BUT, i have a hell of a lot cucumbers in the fridge. to eat or not to eat?...that is the questtion!

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