Thursday 29 May 2008

Try Praying Day 7

"No eye has seen,
no ear has heard,
no mind has conceived
what God has prepared for those who love him''
1 corinthians 2 v 9

i wonder what God has in store for me.

God, why do i feel so crap. I just can't do it anymore. spent the whole of yesterday feeling shit. partly cuz of work; nothing to do nobody really to talk to, room full of men speaking foreign language. where do i fit in? i don't even know why i bother sometimes. the future is so unclear. it's not scary cuz part of me doesn't care. what is up with me.......why am i so depressed.

on a brighter note, i made some bailey's ice-cream last night (don't ask me why i decided to start at 11.30pm). tried it this morning and it is DELISH! mmm.....

so, it's the end of the trypraying for 7 days thing. what have i got out of it? nothing special. probably cuz i aint followed it properly and i've spent the majority of the last couple of weeks depressed, i have had a few more chances to talk to people, which has been great. had a few chances to talk to muslims and have debate which has been eye-opening a bit. yeh, pray ain't just for 7 though, it's a lifestyle. I've just come to realise how important it is to read the scripture and to know exactly what i believe. need to stand firm in the truth. not just blind faith.

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