Tuesday 20 May 2008

Try Praying Day 1

Jesus said, ''Everything is possible for him who believes.'' Immediately the boy's father exclaimed, ''I do believe; help me overcome unbelief.''
Mark 9 v 23-24

in reality, how easy is it to really believe? sure, as a christian I pray and believe that God answers prayer. But it is so difficult. To really and truely trust and believe that God can do everything is pretty BIG stuff. It means that there is nothing that God cannot do. I guess thats why we can't look to the world for answers. I only need to open my eyes to the destruction of sin. The devestation that we have created in the world. the perfect world that God created, no longer exists on earth. there is so much hurt. Lord, help those in China and Burma. Lord, I believe that you can bring HOPE. Lord remember those who have lost their lives, for people who have lost their livelihoods. Lord, wash over those people with your love. May this be a fresh opportunity for people to see your glory amidst the suffering.

Lord, in these 7 days, I pray that your glory will be able to shine in Hull.Forgive me Lord, for not sharing your love, for being selfish and self-centred. Lord, I ask that you have mercy on this city. Save the lost. Give people the chance to believe, Heal this land. Lord, you love the lost, your heart is for those who need you. May your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Lord, dare I ask that those that i know will have a chance to really have a chance to make a decision about whether they want to follow you.....for nothing is impossible with you. You alone have already overcome death, you have won the battle. Lord in your mercy, hear my prayer.

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