Wednesday 21 May 2008


can't believe that Man Utd won, on penalties. I absolutely HATE watching it, it's agony. personally i've always been against Man Utd. But somehow, I felt so sorry for Ronaldo (just cuz he's dead gorgeous) and wanted them to win. cannot beleive myself. football is such an emotional brings tears to grown men's eyes. strange isn't it. strange how we would never dream of crying over a broken relationship, yet weep when our team loses. what it is about football and other sports and competitions that does that to people or nations. I used to love it when England were really good. used to watch all the world cups and euro championship, and cry with the nation when we lost out due to penalties time and time again. now, we can't even get into the euro. I kinda wish that i was going to wembly on saturday to see hull city. i well and truely hope that they can win.

texted kadir when man utd won:
me: oh, manchester won
kadir: yes girl

classic. absolutely brilliant. i love it! that's what i'm gunna miss when i leave arkh.

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