Thursday 15 September 2011

horrible d


i have never handed anything in late. never asked for an extension. ever. in all of my many years of study.never. until now.
my very last piece of work.

why is it so hard....

why oh why oh why....

i'm going to hand in my resignation letter to ASDA today. i have to. but, actually i love it there. i feel that i've finally settle in a little bit and getting to know the people there. there's really so much to learn from people- my colleagues and customers. it's so so interesting. it's almost my only chance to be around English people. yep, i'm one of these people who has completely emersed myself into a completely different world called BME! I'm ending up speaking a random mix of English which is not quite grammatically correct as i'm now too used to speaking in fragments, my cantonese is rubbish as i dont speak it too much and my mandarin is half-and -half i.e. i pretend that i understand but i don't know half of what's being said and can probably speak a quarter. sigh...

dissertation....dissertation....go away!....

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