Friday 23 September 2011


byebye ASDA....

end of another job....

i've realised something about myself. i don't really like change....whether it's for the good or for the bad. i don't like it. i like to be stuck in one place. i don't like to move on. thats why i dont, and i'm always the person who's left behind.

so, the team from US are coming tomorro...i remember when they came last year. a whole year has passed and gone by. where have a been? what have i done? why do i feel like such a failure? actually, i need to reflect and think about all that i've done,...
what have i learnt?

gloria, oh gloria....why do you let your life waste away?....

what have i done this year?

1. i've worked at different places: a year ago, i had just left ARKH....spent half a year coming to terms with that. accepting that i no longer belonged there. i worked at Primark from Nov 2010- june 2011. i did a few interpreting jobs for Global Accent, including getting paid £30 when the client didn't even turn up! i worked at Jialing's newsagents during the summer....nearly killed myself waking up at 5am to open up at 5.45am. worked at ASDA from November 2010- today. now i work at Goodwin.
i've bsically worked all the bank holidays and satudays since sad....

2. i had a blood transfusion! 3 bags of blood was pumped into me...i got to stay overnight in hospital in my own little room.

3. i went to HK
. for literally 3 days.

4. i broke another camera...lens. thankfully not the actually camera. i don't think it's a good idea to make an annual event of breaking cameras.

5. oh...i ''studied'' TESOL and translation/ successfully completed the translation part, even though i can't really read Chinese that well.

6. wrote a 2,500 word essay in two days about something that totally have no idea about, proofread essays, typed out books....

so what did i do with the rest of my time? Let me letters, phone up people, go to the council for people, sign forms, fill in forms, go to random people's house and sit, churchy things.....

thats about it...

oh, and spent half of the time in a state of depression. not good. not good.

need to move on.

actually, one of the most significant things that i've learnt is to appreciate people. honestly, it's been great working at ASDA, not cuz of the actually work, but becasue of the people...the colleagues and the customers. i've spoken to hundreds of people and had a short snippet into thier lives. some customers have shared bereavements, birthdays, moving house, general moanings about the weather and work. i've seen a small insight and really admire quite a lot of people for what they do...people work damn hard for their family and life. so, everyone deserves the benefit of the doubt. some of the people who you least expect to be nice, are actually the nicest of them all. everyone has a story that is worth listening to . there's something to be learnt from anyone.

so yeh, maybe i've learnt to love people a little more.
but may be it's time to love myself a bit. that, i know i've failed to do for a long long time.

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