Monday 1 September 2008

New beginnings

so, it's a NEW start: 1st September. Jon's 22 today. Can't believe it. Haha,,,i love it during the next few weeks cuz it means that i'm only 1 year older than him..well, at least I pretend to be!

Also, it's the start of Ramadan. Of course, it doesnt bear much importance to me, but it's interesting to learn more about different religions and practises. And it also means that half people that come into ARKH will pretty much be fasting. It amazes me how so many people can do this every year. It's so difficult to not eat or DRINK for the whole entire day. Makes you grouchy and have NO energy. I think that things at ARKH will be a little more low key for the next month. I so will not be able to get any of the guys at work to do anything...sigh...

So, I want to discipline myself over this period. Obviously I'm not going to fast cuz I'm not a muslim, hence I don't follow their pratises, but I can challenge myself to do something. I can learn from their discipline. Hopefully for the next 40 days, I can follow 'The purpose driven life' (again). This is partly cuz I need to find my purpose, and also cuz the youth are going through it on sundays. In addition, I want to go through the 31 day prayer book for China's minority peoples.

I would dearly love to say that I'm going to succeed in follwing through it all, but I highly doubt it. Give me a few days and I'll be lost.....but i'll try.
DAY 1 : Northern Zhuang
  • Zhuang is the largest minority with 16 million people (11.6 million are northern Zhuang)
  • language: Zhuang dialects, Northern Tai languages, Mandarin
  • less than 1% believers: mostly animism and ancestor worship
  • mainly in Yunan and Guangxi (Hongshui River valley)
  • there are some TSC and house churches
  • portions of the Bible are translated in 2 dialects

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