Sunday 7 September 2008


Shanghai, here I come! I can't actually believe that I just booked a flight to China. thinking about it, it really is pretty random. There is actually no 'proper' reason for me to go. why the hell did I just do that?, i must be mad, or think that I have too much money to spare! Oh well, i'm sure that there will be a reason and something will come up from it, unexpectedly!

So, i've kinda been busy over the past few days, despite not having to work yesterday ( was like the first saturday I've had off since china!) Dad and I put up my bed on Friday night. I cannot believe 1) how heavy it is and 2) how difficult it is! Doing that (or rather, watching and pretending to help) has given me a whole new respect for designers and for dad! So, I'm in my whole new room. It's pretty damn fantastic apart from the fact that I've discovered that I don't actually like sleeping in a bed! Sounds stupid doesn't it, I don't like being so high up and restricted, cuz i keep on thinking that I'll fall off! Sleeping on the floor is so much better :) Strange isnt it! I'm especially proud of my China map and middle east map. they so nearly fit together. it's fab. I can now go to sleep looking at china and iraq!

Met up with Catherine yesterday. It was lovely to catch-up and chat. Can't believe that she's going to China so soon. hope we're gunna meet up to go and see All Nations and Oakhill Bible College before she goes! I've forgotten how nice it is to be able to chat to a Christian!

Obviously cuz of the mess that i've made my bedroom into, I havent had chance to keep to date with the china prayer and the purpose driven life. I could just skip it, but I'm gunna be good and think about day 5 + 6 now, and them mayeb day 7 tonight if I have time. actually, on the other hand, i'l change that cuz i think i've already done day 5 for the prayer thing! stupid me.

China Prayer

Day 6: Li people

  • 1.2 million people
  • religions: polytheism, animism, shamanism: 1000 believers ( less than 0.1%)
  • live in central and southern Hainan (forest and mountains)
  • need the Hainanese Chinese Christians to reach out
Day 7: Tai Lue (Dai) people
  • 750,000 people in China (others live in Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam, USA)
  • 3,000 believers
  • other religions: Buddhism, Animism
  • live in southern yunan
  • farmers

Purpose driven life

Day 5: Seeing life from God's view

Unless you are faithful in small matters, you won't be faithful in large ones. Luke 16 v 10a

How can I look and reflect on my life the way that God wants me to. How does God actually see my life. Why am I here? umm....only God can answer that cuz he made us. He must have had a reason. I mean, you don't just go and waste your time on making something if there's no point, do you?

Day 7: Life is a temporary assignment

we will not be here forever. We are aliens in a foreign land.

So, we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. 2 Corinthians 4 v 18

ok, i think this is enough blogging for one time! save this cuz i think that the page is failed and I WILL NOT be a happy bunny if it bodges up.

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