Thursday 4 September 2008

an interesting day to say the least.
i organised a surprise thing for Shna. I got her the beautiful flowers and made a big card. she was properly surprised! went to staples to buy some office stuff with Shna and Kadir. I really find them both absolutley lovely, but annoying as well. it's so strange. a kinda of strange affection I think. i'm starting to fall for him, which i cannot do. oh well, it does help that all these guys have absolutly no interest in me whatsoever, and i talk to them about finding a beautiful girl! I'm just a little child in their eyes. sigh.
i was very proud of myself for going all the way to wilberforce college today without getting lost. i'm always so petrified of driving. strange how it's so much better on the way home. I got taken around the college and I swear that everyone must have thought that I was new there. even a student came up to me to ask! I really am a stupid little girl.
i'm thinking more and more that I wouldn't be the right person for the job at ARKH. I don't actually think that Shna, Kadir or anyone actually thinks that I could do it. I dont think that they would listen to me at all. I have so much to learn. so much to understand.
i had a nice evening. had people round for dinner and everyone brought some food. we should really do that more often, apart from it annoys the hell out of my brother.
you know what...God is good!
All the time.
God is GOOD!

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