Friday 26 December 2008

boxing day

so another Christmas has come and gone.
it was a good day.
but hey,life is interesting isn't it?
christmas eve was hell. i'm not joking, ended up properly arguing with Jon. took ages to talk him round. but it was ok. it paid off in the end.
can't beleive that mum and dad got me a camera. yes. a sony a200. man, a proper SLR big fat camera. now i have to learn how use it!
i'm bored actually. need to decide what to do with my life. why can't i get myself to do something useful with myself?....sigh.
managed to talk with Priss on MSN for a bit. it was nice. she's so far away. I was just flipping through my diary and i remember that i was in London around this time last year. with her. now she's all the way in China.
Why havent i moved on?
Kadir should be somewhere near his home by now. I hope he is. man, i never worry about ppl. i'm so worried about him. not quite sure why. i just pray that nothing will happen to him. he needs to see his family. but, man...i don't even know what I'm going to without him for the next few weeks. he's like my support at work. i'll be all lonely with noone to annoy

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